FEMALE GAZE | Liza Shkirando
2022-10-14 - 2022-10-23
2022-10-14 – 2022-10-16
2022-10-21 – 2022-10-23
Female Gaze is exploring and exposing male vulnerabilities in the context of sexuality and sensuality, watched from a strong female perspective. Men are depicted in the most intimate moments of a sexual connection, emphasising their fragility in a raw, ironic and poetic way.
“Stories told in each artwork are very personal to me as an artist and as a human being, which makes me even more vulnerable and exposed to the audience than my semi-fictional lovers”
This exhibition is a multisensory experience where visuals are “illustrated” by short poems and a soundscape. Dark space with black walls and spotlights on the artworks creates a sensation of intimacy. The room is filled with the sound of moaning men. Something we are so used to in mainstream porn – the sounds of moaning and screaming women – is turned around here to make the audience feel slightly uncomfortable, smile and question the male gaze, the male hearing and the male-centered norms of sexuality.
About the artist
Liza Shkirando has a master’s degree in interaction design from Malmö University. She has been working across creative industries from children’s books to video games for over 15 years. Her latest work and research focuses on sexuality and self-exploration. She is inspired by human vulnerabilities and examines power dynamics. Analysing people’s lived experiences and interactions with the designed world is a part of Liza’s job as an interaction designer and a big part of her art practice. Passionate about fiction and alternative narratives in design, visual arts and literature Liza is critical and provocative in her artistic approach.