2019-05-03 - 2019-05-04
- 2019-05-03: 13:00 – 20:00
- 2019-05-04: 11:00 – 18:00
Locally based artists all over Malmö welcome the public to meet the arts where it’s being produced. At FRANK we’ve got 20 artists and during MOS you can visit following artists in their studios:
Filip Rahim Hansson
Linnea Wiklund Melander
Madeleine Svedlund
Sigurd Persson
Malmö Open Studios is back for its second edition!
MAY 3 13 – 20
MAY 4 11 – 18
You are all cordially invited to a studio visit that spread over the whole city. We are 100+ visual artists working at 30+ locations. No entrance fee.
Check out malmoopenstudios.se! It’s your map and guidebook, with GPS and search engine.
It’s getting updated with artist presentations, our guided bus tours and the art auction.
Go discover and find out who you wanna visit!
You can also hop on our free guided busses for a hustle free round tour.
Guided Tours will run from Rehab Kultur, Spånehusvägen 83.
MAY 3 13:15 – 16:15 and 17:00 – 20:00
MAY 4 11:15 – 14:15 and 15:00 – 18:00
Info about the routs and which artists are visited at each route will follow.
NB! Limited seats – please OSA to madlen@malmoopenstudios.se
Yes, you can become the lucky owner of an original piece, donated by artists amongst us, for the support of Noomi.
The Art Auction will be held at Alta, Celsiusgatan 40.
MAY 4 18:30.
The pieces are exhibited at Alta during MOS and are as well posted on our web and social media.
We are also very happy to be presenting our collaboration with the wonderful Konstkvinnor, whose important work is to explore female and non-binary artists practices. We’ll make it hard for you to miss updates on this^^
MOS is an artist-run project. Our aim is to lift the Malmö art scene by introducing the public, each other and professionals in the art world to the artists working in the city.
You can also find us @malmoopenstudios on instagram and facebook.
Come through, it’ll be fun!
Map and more info:
Continuous updates on Facebook: