2019-02-15 - 2019-02-17
- 2019-02-15: 18:00 – 01:00
- 2019-02-16: 16:00 – 02:00
- 2019-02-17: 14:00 – 18:00
See Facebook event for further details.
The year was 1969. Just days before the grand opening, the planned exhibition UNDERGROUND in Lund Konsthall was cancelled. Subsequently, the art gallery manager was fired. The cause? Artist Sture Johannesson’s exhibition poster: Freedom of Barricades II.
The work was a so-called rendition of Eugène Delacroix painting, Freedom on the Barricades. In Delacroix’s original, we saw a half-naked female freedom fighter during the French Revolution. But in Stures version there was a fully nude pot smoking peaceful hippie. This was extremely provocative for its time, but today it is a piece of art that hangs in the homes of both ordinary families and hipsters.
Crack-Jens (who’s true identity is a terribly and poorly preserved “secret”) got to know Sture Johansson before he passed away. He therefore managed to obtain a signed copy of this piece of work. Crack-Jens now manages this freedom’s heritage with a tribute to Stures ditto: Freedom on Barricades III. This time picturing a fully nude male – him self.
The project has grown. It will be more than a rendition of a single art piece, and instead an entire exhibition focused on Crack-Jen’s anti-art. UNDERGROUND II will be held at FRANK exactly 50 years following the cancelled UNDERGROUND in LUND.
Join us for a three day event of punky aesthetic varied with BDSM elements and fetishism. Crack-Jens will be offering prints of his most popular t-shirt designs (RÖR DU DÖR DU, TRY ’N GRAB MY PUSSY, CHRILLER KILLER, SATANIC BITCHCRAFT). All in limited edition for the exhibition.
NOTE: You can not pre-book these. First come first serve!
Art Exhibition – Band – Performances. More info TBA.
UNDERGROUND in Lund was cancelled in 1969. UNDERGROUND II in Malmö will NOT be cancelled in 2019.